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With the growing trends in ageing population and life expectancy and the flaws and gaps of the long-term care (LTC) system in Europe, the ICWE project focuses on Informal Carers’ (ICs) well-being and support for information and practical skills to facilitate their role as caretakers.

Aims and Objectives

The project aims to improve the conditions of ICs in their role as caretakers by addressing their needs for information and training, professional support, effective communication with care professionals, and improved well-being.

Specific Objectives

• Empowering informal carers and adult educators/care workers to better address ICs needs for support and well-being in their lives
• Capacitating ICs in their role of caretakers and addressing well-being as a main factor to be considered
• Capacitating care workers for their work with ICs
• Developing practical tools and resources to facilitate the achievement of the previous goals


→ Resources, tools, and information for ICs, care workers, and LTC organisations,
→ Training Program for adult educators and care workers
→ Toolkit for ICs


RightChallenge is an NGO that aims to promote education and vocational training as a means of social inclusion. We believe that education should focus on the development of all people – regardless of social status, age or gender – to prepare them to participate in all dimensions of society. One of our pillars is lifelong learning, as we believe is essential for a sustainable development, promoting active and democratic citizenship.
We aim the quality and access to non-formal education and overcome the deficits of access to lifelong learning while promoting the enhancement of human capital and the creation of value in organizations through integrated training services.


Exeo Lab is a multivalent, flexible young company that envisions a sustainability-driven society. Exeo Lab is working to demonstrate that local development is the key to attracting projects, skills, opportunities and networks for community growth. Exeo Lab is a partnership of policy specialists, whose founding members have more than a decade of actual experience in consulting services to public and private entities. Its field of expertise lies with research and territorial analysis through innovative tools and technologies, in order to support policy design for public administration at the national and regional level and especially in the innovative and emerging sectors. Also, Exeo Lab provides SMEs and innovative startups with advanced assistance in the field of business development, investment strategies, technology transfer and R&S: Exeo Lab specializes in several key areas, including policy development for territorial development programs co-financed by European and National Funds. They also offer support to SMEs in planning and managing business development strategies for local and international market competitiveness. In the field of social entrepreneurship, Exeo Lab provides tailored advice and mentoring to young startuppers and vulnerable individuals for establishing new social enterprises and delivering innovative social services, particularly in rural and peripheral areas. Additionally, they assist enterprises in identifying and accessing new markets through their extensive international business network. Moreover, Exeo Lab actively participates in regional, national, and transnational projects focused on creating developmental opportunities, especially related to entrepreneurship, social inclusion, and work integration.


EHFF, the European Health Futures Forum was set up in 2013 as an NGO dedicated to supporting actions leading to the improvement of the health of the citizens of Europe. Initially incorporated in the UK as a not-for-profit organisation, in 2017 it established itself in Ireland and is now a registered Charity. Important aspects of its stated mission include: to provide the forum as a resource for stakeholders to seek, process and exchange knowledge and information to influence the future of health and healthcare in Europe especially via international cooperation, support current EU policy directions and provide a better understanding of future possibilities in this area to EU and national policy makers. Secondly, to promote a holistic view of health including the promotion of disease prevention and the maintenance of good health, as part of societal well-being and to focus on the potential for transformational change through health, education and business working together. These aims have been put into practice via participation in a number of EU funded projects. Recently, funded by the Bosch Stiftung, EHFF set up a European resource center for patient and community empowerment ( ). Empowering informal careers and adult educators/care workers to better address ICs needs for support and well-being in their lives is entirely consistent with the activities of the latter organisation.


K.S.D.E.O. “EDRA” (Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups”) is a Nonprofit Organisation, which has been active since 2001 to promote mental health and protect the rights of vulnerable groups. EDRA provides mental health services and raises public awareness in matters concerning mental health, supports the child and the family to cope with learning difficulties, intervenes therapeutically in the field of special education and Intellectual disability, develops national and European initiatives for socially vulnerable groups, provides lifelong training programs for all population groups. EDRA has extensive experience in managing and coordinating projects at national and EU level, focusing on the support of various disadvantaged groups.


CARDET (Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus. It is one of the leading research and development centres in the Euro-Mediterranean region, with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. The centre’s mission is to inspire next-generation education, and promote research, innovation, and development through evidence-based practices, cutting-edge research, and empowered people. CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as the University of Nicosia, and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET is ISO 9001 certified for quality in management, research, and education services. The Centre has a long-standing experience in digital learning, virtual schools, and online education and has developed and implemented school education projects and conducted large scale evaluations of education programs around the world.


iserundschmidt GmbH is a company specialized in science and knowledge communication research in Germany. The agency has been providing strategic advice, developing campaigns and independent productions for over 25 years. The spectrum of clients ranges from federal ministries and the European Union to research organizations and foundations to large companies. The company is highly experienced in public engagement with science processes with a focus on citizen engagement. iserundschmidt has extensive experiences in education, youth and senior projects, IT services, online and digital media. iserundschmidt’s mission is to bring knowledge communication and education in the context of culture. Beside this expertise, iserundschmidt organized a big number of scientific conferences and parliamentary events, like strategical talks, conferences, expert speeches, seminars with experts, academicians, policy makers, public institutions, ministries and NGO’s. The company is involved and coordinates several Erasmus plus and Horizon 2020 projects.


    The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
    Project Number : 2023-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000137715
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